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Online Safety Newsletter January 2025
Online safety information for parents and carers on smartphones and guidance on usage for young people.

December 2024 Newsletter
This has been an extremely busy two terms with us welcoming new adults and 13 new children. Our school is still growing with us now at nearly 50 children with a capacity to work with 60 families and their children.

We are a Silver Level Attachment and Trauma Sensitive School!
ISP School Battle has received the Silver Level Attachment and Trauma Schools Award.

September 2024 Online Safety Newsletter
Online safety information for parents and carers on apps such as WhatsApp and Snapchat.

Summer 2024 Newsletter
Reflecting on the journey we have taken in the last three years, from our original 6 children to a school of 44 children and still growing!

Investing in Children Award 2024
ISP School Battle has received the prestigious Investing in Children Award for the second year running.

April 2024 Online Safety Newsletter
Information for parents and foster carers on developing online safety skills with games for children.

Easter 2024 Newsletter
We have continued to grow and develop and are now at 44 children on roll and numbers of children are rising steadily whilst still retaining our ethos.

January 2024 Online Safety Newsletter
Information for parents and foster carers on Snapchat’s AI Chatbot, ChatGPT and how to report online concerns.

Our Year
We love to share our children’s learning experiences, which shows our young people that we value their commitment to learning and the aspirations we hold for them.

Merry Christmas Everybody
Each year the adult team at ISP School, Battle, record a song for the children.

December 2023 Newsletter
It has been a very two terms at ISP School, Battle, as we continue to welcome new adults and children to our community.

The Dug Out
As children have been enjoying the outdoors, ISP School Battle have provided some shelter by the outdoor gym and games area.

Attachment and Trauma Sensitive Schools Award
We are delighted to announce that we have had our attachment and trauma sensitive approaches receive an external sign of recognition!

Charity Fundraising
Since September our children have shown great care and compassion to those who too are in need.

September 2023 Online Safety Newsletter
Information for parents and foster carers on how to support young people in having a mobile phone, using popular apps such as WhatsApp and BeReal, and dealing with safety concerns.

Former Students take a trip down Memory Lane
Former students from when the school was known as ‘Glengorse & Hydneye Prep’ returned for a visit and walk down memory lane!

July 2023 Newsletter
It has been a very busy run up to the end of the school year, with young people working hard in all areas of the curriculum.

Follow us on YouTube!
We have launched our first ISP School Battle YouTube channel to be able to share the wonderful music we create from across our school community.

Investing in Children Award
ISP School Battle has received the prestigious Investing in Children Award.

April 2023 Online Safety Newsletter
A wide range of information including live streaming, online safety education and how to report on social media sites.

March 2023 Newsletter
This Spring term has progressed so positively; with the school achieving the Investing in Children Award in March, children fully engaging in the Your Behaviour, Your Choice strategy and young people voicing their opinions on decision making.

Safer Internet Day
Tuesday 7th February 2023 was Safer Internet Day. A short guide has been put together to share some statistics, resources and information from the external landscape.

Level 1 RHS Gardening Award
ISP School Battle is delighted to announce that we have been successful in securing Level 1 with the Royal Horticultural Society School Gardening Award.

Spring 2023 Online Safety Newsletter
A wide range of information including new advice from the NSPCC on online abuse and guides from Parentzone on gaming communies.

December 2022 Newsletter
We have had a really busy time at our school, however children and adults have shown true determination to carry on through OFSTED, assessments, activities, preparation for our Christmas Production, new children and adults joining our ISP ‘family’ and much more.

School Closure – 12/12/2022
ISP Battle is closed today (12/12/2022) due to fallen trees, no water and snow.

Food Hygiene Rating
At ISP School, Battle we are delighted to inform you all that we had a recent Environmental Health kitchen inspection and gained the highest rating.

#Hello Yellow – World Mental Health Day

Autumn 2022 Online Safety Newsletter
A wide range of information including a guide to online sexual harassment and how to help children cope with media coverage of traumatic events.

Family Fun Day
On the 29th July, Headteacher Caroline joined some of our children and young people at a family fun day in Teynham.

Language that cares
Based on research and findings from organisations that originally contributed to the ‘TACT Language That Cares Report’, the Polaris Community has conducted a consultation to ascertain the feelings and suggestions of our young people on the subject and the words they commonly hear.

Heatwave Monday 18th July and Tuesday 19th July.
The DfE (Department for Education) has recommended that schools remain open on Monday and Tuesday next week but if necessary have been given the flexibility to consider rearranging school start, finish and break/lunch times. Click to read more about or plans.

End of Year 2022 Newsletter
An update on all the activities and achievements of our young people this year, with information on what we’ve all learnt across English, Geography and History to name a few, and our trips out to Pashley Manor, Fishbourne Palace and Pevensey Castle.

Summer 2022 Online Safety Newsletter
A wide range of information including the #AskTheAwkward campaign, which aims to help parents and carers have regular conversations with their children about online relationships and explores the importance of online spaces at all stages of a relationship.