Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara
Students from Birch class took an R.E trip to Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara in Gravesend.

ISP School
May 29 2024On Wednesday 22nd May, Birch class took an R.E trip to Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara in Gravesend. During the trip, Birch class learnt about the Sikhi religion and its many customs and traditions. We learnt about the 5 K’s (Kanga, Kara, Kirpan, Kesh, and the Kachera), The Guru Granth Sahib (Primary scripture of Sikhism), Guru Nanak (The founder of Sikhism) and many other interesting parts of Sikhi.
We also had to, out of respect, wear a Turban/head covering (according to gender), and take off our shoes while in the Gurdwara.
Nearing the end of the trip, we had a chance to try different Sikhi foods such as ‘Parshad’, a sweet paste which has a similar taste to cookie dough, and ‘Langar’ which is a free, Vegetarian food served to everyone, any time of the day at a Gurdwara.
Regardless of religion, Social status, Race or gender. What is served for langar can differ from Gurdwara to Gurdwara, but on our trip to Guru Nanak Darbar Gurdwara, Birch was served a tray of rather delicious chickpea curry and chapati.
Overall, Birch class very much enjoyed learning about Sikhi and their traditions (Especially eating Langar) and have learnt a lot.
– Written by Thomas F.