Visiting Fishbourne Palace
Students finally managed to visit Fishbourne Palace and had the opportunity to view the original Roman mosaics and a variety of other artefacts.

ISP School
May 19 2022Students finally managed to visit Fishbourne Palace in Chichester, after postponement due to Covid.
At Fishbourne, students had the opportunity to view the original Roman mosaics and a variety of other artefacts that had been discovered at the site.
They attended a ‘Roman Lifestyles’ workshop where they had the opportunity to handle artefacts thousands of years old, learn about how the Romans lived, what they ate, how they dressed and take part in a number of interactive activities.
The Fishbourne Palace trip was in support of the History, Art and Topic curriculum and implementation. Adults were very proud of how well the students engaged with the activities and the site. Everyone agreed that the long trip was well worth it!