Speaking & Listening Skills: “The Apprentice” Style Chocolate Project

Term 3 saw children focusing on Speaking & Listening skills along with persuasive writing skills.  This was done through the form of an ‘apprentice style’ chocolate project.

Term 3 saw children focusing on Speaking & Listening skills along with persuasive writing skills.  This was done through the form of an ‘apprentice style’ chocolate project. 

Children explored target audience and collated market research.  Based on their findings, children designed a chocolate product ensuring the name and packaging met their target audience.  Children wrote scripts, filmed advertisements and edited them, including doing a voice-over of their slogan.  Children wrote a speech/presentation, learning about persuasive devices, made their product in Food Tech and then presented their product to an audience of children and adults.

Everyone agreed that their favourite part was tasting all the different chocolate products the children had made.  All this work allowed children to gain the following Life Skills Challenges: Collecting and Representing Information (EL2), Presenting to a Small Group (EL1), as well as developing key skills necessary for KS4.
