Language and Communication
We began Term 1 by introducing our first topic of our Language and Communication subject, Makaton.

ISP School
Nov 15 2024Term 1 – Makaton
We began Term 1 by introducing our first topic of our Language and Communication subject, Makaton.
Makaton is a unique communication programme that uses symbols (pictures), signs (gestures) and speech to enable people to communicate. When people use Makaton, the signs are used with speech, in spoken word order, this provides extra clues about what someone is saying. Using signs is supportive for those who have no speech or limited speech and those who cannot sign or prefer not to sign. Often there is a lot of frustration when someone is unable to communicate meaningfully or effectively, this is where Makaton can be highly supportive. Makaton can take away the frustration which enables people to become less isolated and be able to communicate with the world around them.
The children all have embraced learning Makaton with a positive attitude; as well as developing an excellent understanding of why Makaton is so important and how anyone at any point in their lives may need to use it to be able to communicate. Several children took their enthusiasm beyond school, from taking signs home to learn and sharing these with parents and carers. By the end of the term, many children were able to construct their own sentences which they felt able to share with peers and staff.
Term 2 – Braille
We started off our Braille topic this term by having a visit from East Sussex Vision Support.
This gave the children a wonderful insight into the realities of day-to-day life for individuals who are blind. This visit also provided the children with an opportunity to put on glasses which mimic eye conditions which cause sight loss, such as, glaucoma, macular degeneration and cataracts. The amazing staff from RNIB introduced the children to the Braille alphabet and explained the patterns from the different letters of alphabet. This supported the children to make links from the letter of the alphabet and how this presents within the Braille cell.
Braille is a system of touch reading and writing for blind people in which raised dots represent the letters of the alphabet. The children have really enjoyed learning Braille this term, from learning the history, practising the alphabet, decoding phrases and solving Braille puzzles. This highlighted to the children how fortunate we are to have our sight and the importance of looking after our eyes, as it is something we can often take for granted. The children were fascinated by the challenge of reading Braille with their eyes closed, as this gave them a perspective of the everyday realities of a blind individual.