ISP School Battle’s latest addition
ISP School Battle have adopted a tropical community fish tank from a kind member of the public.

ISP School
Dec 01 2023ISP School Battle have adopted a tropical community fish tank from a kind member of the public, who was happy to see her beautiful fish go to a school where the children can enjoy them.
We set up a small shrimp tank at the beginning of the school year and the children had shown a keen interest in the shrimp, their wellbeing and enjoyed spotting and watching them when using the one to one room. At the end of term one, with the shrimp still being hugely popular in school, the children began talks about a larger tank with more variety of fish to watch.
Fast forward to the ending of term two and now we have a fully functioning tank with a colourful variety of community fish. The children from KS4 have shown great care to the newest aquatic members of the ISP community, KS3 have enjoyed spotting the different types, especially the catfish babies! One KS3 child named our Yellow Guppie ‘Johnny Nibbles’ and checks in on them often with an inquisitive eye.