Exploring art at Pashley Manor Gardens
Students visited Pashley Manor Gardens, drawing a number of sketches and taking photographs as research for their art projects.

ISP School
May 20 2022The KS3 curriculum for Art this term calls for students to ‘Investigate & explore site specific sculpture & installation in contemporary art’. Meanwhile, KS4 are working on their BTEC Art, Unit AD6: Creating a 3D Art Object.
Students visited Pashley Manor Gardens in Ticehurst as part of the extended opportunities of the implementation plan, giving them the opportunity to develop their cultural awareness. The gardens had a wide and diverse range of sculptures, students drew a number of sketches and took photographs as part of their research. We were delighted that Toni Reedman, Director of Education, was able to join us for this trip and hope she enjoyed her time as much as we all did.