Drama in KS3 – A Spooktacular Production!
During term 3, KS3 children worked hard and had lots of fun in their drama lessons, culminating in a small production put on for the rest of the school community.

ISP School
Oct 21 2024During term 3, KS3 children worked hard and had lots of fun in their drama lessons, culminating in a small production put on for the rest of the school community.
Children took part in a range of drama games designed to get them focused on their movement, concentration, ability to follow direction and most importantly, to get them comfortable performing in each other’s company. Working individually and in pairs and groups, children explored the idea of physical theatre and were able to use their imaginations to come up with some fantastic creaking front doors, crackling fires, dripping taps, whizzing washing machines and even flushing toilets!
Some children used their English lessons to write monologues which they developed through learning about
how adjectives, similes and alliteration can make our descriptions more interesting to the reader. They then used these monologues in a short production about a variety of characters taking part in a game show to spend the night in a haunted house.
Adults were so very proud of how much bravery and enthusiasm these children showed. Whilst it might not
seem much, for our children in terms of developing their confidence this was a massive achievement. Amelia would like to thank the adults who supported and modelled some fantastic performances, and of course the children themselves for doing such an amazing job!
If you would like to see the performance, please visit our YouTube channel or scan the QR code.