Ofsted report
ISP school Battle has been rated as ‘Good ’ by Ofsted, with ‘Outstanding Personal Development’.
This is a new school with high aspirations and a fast-developing ethos of nurture and respect. Pupils are playing their own important part as routines become established and traditions are built. Thrice-daily community meetings ensure that important key information is shared between staff and pupils alike. Pupils often enjoy the responsibility of chairing these communal gatherings themselves. Older pupils see this as part of their own contribution to building a community where expectations are high and successes are celebrated.
-Ofsted 2022

“Leaders have a clear vision for the school. They want it to be excellent in all respects. They know what is working well. Leaders know pupils and their families well. All parents or carers who responded to Ofsted’s survey agreed that their children feel safe here. Staff understand the additional vulnerabilities of pupils who attend the school. Communication is open and honest. Staff are not afraid to ask questions when they have doubts or feel unsure. Their training is up to date, live, in the moment and ongoing.”
– Ofsted 2022