Admissions and referrals
All referrals to ISP School, Battle are managed by an admissions team: the Head Teacher, Deputy Head Teacher and Administrator
After the initial referral the young person, carers, parents, Social Worker and / or any other professional directly involved will be invited to attend the ISP School for a visit to meet with staff and pupils. At this time the Head Teacher will discuss with parents/carers and child their individual needs and tour the school which enables the Head Teacher to link this experience with paperwork to make an informed decision regarding placement at our school.

Prior to a child joining the school an initial safeguarding risk assessment will be written based on the EHCP and referral documents. This is designed to gather essential background information and to further inform school adults of risk. Any strategies around risk that need to be put in place can be identified and agreed along with consent forms completed at this stage. All relevant information must be shared before a place can be offered or a start date/induction period can be initiated. It won’t always be possible to make a final decision at the initial network meeting and in this case we will make a decision as soon as we can.
We consider the full assessment period to be 6 weeks or a half term from the pupils start date. Having considered and agreed to pursue the placement, the Head Teacher and class team formulate an induction timetable for a period of time dictated by the child’s needs, circumstances etc. This, most often, is a period of 1-2 weeks of part-time integration within the pupil’s appropriate year / ability group and will involve staged opportunities as part of an initial assessment. This timetable will build on the child’s previous educational experience and also match the prevailing needs of the child.

At the end of the 6-week assessment period, the child and parent/carer meet with the Head Teacher to sign a home/school agreement.
If we determine we cannot meet the need of a child, we will communicate this to parents/carers and the local authority. We will provide 28 days notice of the school placement being withdrawn.
Ordinarily, following a successful induction and review meeting, the child will take up a full time position in their allocated class.